Saturday, January 23, 2010

Review 1: New Pathways for Sock Knitters

Sock knitting is something that seems to come along in every knitters create.
Most of us believe that Sockyarn is not stash.
There for, we should want to use up all that non-stash from time to time.

In Cat Bordhi's book New Pathways for Sock Knitters we have a ton of ways to create with our sock yarn. What she tries to do in the book is create a way of thinking about the structure of the knit sock.

Now the ideas of this book are pretty good. The increases that she uses Linc/Rinc are a nice way to make stitches with out holes. The diagrams that show how to use two circs is pretty nice too. Though I don't think that's the method for me.

The designs are good, the charts for working socks for your own feet are understandable (which is more than some).

I did the Woven Ridge Socks socks. They turned out well. The get a bit droopy on my caff but otherwise they fit quite well.

The one thing that I'm critical of is the lay out of the book. Some of the instructions get a bit muddled. There are cut outs and instructions and sometimes it feels like a chose your own adventure book.

I did my homework.
I started at the very beginning of the book and knit the first baby bootee fallowing
the pattern word for word. Well, mostly.

Starting from the beginning of the book is the best way to figure out the way that Miss Cat thinks about the socks. If you try jumping around in the patterns, well the chose your own adventure aspect of the book gets more pronounced.

All in all a good book to have in your arsenal.


Chris said...

LOL about it being like a choose-your-own-adventure book!

Knittymama said...

I agree! The choose-your-own-adventure book is spot on!

Now I need to get to work on some socks form that book.