Sunday, January 20, 2013

Getting Art on the Walls

We have been living in our home for at least 3 years now. And I have only started putting artwork up on the walls in this last 6 months.
I guess I have always been worried that I would do it wrong, or it wouldn't look right, or some other thought of failure.

But the nice thing about the times we live in is the 3M command strips.
I don't have to put holes in the wall to hang things up. I don't have to fill and repaint when I put them up weirdly. 

Sometimes the hardest part is finding a frame. This screen print is from our friend Robert Pflaum. (Check out his work here)
It had been languishing in our art closet for some time.
I thought it would go nicely with our Adam Truman screen print and finally fount a frame at Blick (which will always be Dick-Blick to me) and wham, there she is, on the wall in all her bike glory. 

The only part that bugs me is the 2 frames are different depths.
The Truman was framed years ago as a gift to HT. The frame for the Plfaum was just purchased and I could only find the 2" deep kind for it. 
I like the 2" though, it gives the print more gravitas. 

This wobbly collection of photographs, prints and canvas needs some work.
But until I repaint the living room where it is house, it will just get randomly added to. No point taking it all down and starting over when I'm just going to have to repaint. (the 3M things are easy to use with out planing, but my pocket book would get a little thin if I started over here) 

There are 2 new things on the console there. One is a jar where i'm going to write down happy little random things for the year to look at on New Years at the end. The other is a vase of flowers. For the January Cure one of the tasks is to buy flowers for your house every week. This is the first week I have done it and the little $5 bouquet from Byerls' split up into 2 nice little arrangements. 
I have one of them in the bedroom on my nightstand. 

These 3 prints are also in the living room on the long barren wall. 
It isn't their final home I don't think, but I like having them up to look at. 
They are buy Etsy artist Elly MacKay. She makes 3D illustrations and photographs them. I love the depth they have because of this. 
Check out her shop and get one of her amazing prints for yourself. 

I have gotten a few other things started this week too.
The avocado plant that we started from a pit last year has been put in soil. 
We'll see if it stays alive.  

And I've started washing up some sample wool that I purchsed from Etsy seller Catawampus Farms. They are coming very clean and there is only a tiny amount of VM in them. (VM means veggie matter).The house only smells a little sheepy now.

I'm getting very good use out of the drying frames my friend Jillian made me for my birthday some years back. They fit perfectly over the sink and I don't have to worry about clogging the drains with wool. 

I don't think it would be much fun to clean the pipes after that ;)

As for now, it's off to knit a few things for my shop and stay warm inside. 

Friday, January 4, 2013


 There may or may not be a plan for this year.

It started off well enough art and creativity wise on New Years day with home made scones and a well styled photograph

And I have been spinning and am planing on learning how to core-spin in the next few days.

But then I thought I should organize the guestroom/my work room.

These are the before pictures.

As you can see, there is a bit of... well everything that has to be done. After an hour and a half, well I've picked up a bit, then taken everything out of the closets so I pretty much have to start all over again. 

One thing I did get done was to add another spot to stick things over my monitor.

They are just 2 Ikea trivets stuck to the wall with the 3m command things. 
But they will free up some desk space for me. Which is need. 

I'm fallowing along with Apartment Therapy's January Cure. It is to help get the house organize. So far so good. I have made a list of things in each room that need taken care of (though i bit off to much today) and I set up a box that will be a garage sale/out box.

So there is a plan for the house.
I'm working on a plan for making something everyday. I may post them, I may not.
I'm also working on a plan for me. The kind of  food/budget/job plan that can sometime make people feel overwhelmed.
Crossing my fingers that I can stay on track.