Saturday, September 6, 2008

Checking in.

So, we are moved in. There are still boxes, but mostly things are where they should be.

Mom and Aunt Linda helped a ton with the move.

HT's family came up and helped put holes in the walls. It's ok, they are for the internets.

And today Dad is up helping out. We dug up the back yard. In the picture you see there is a dirt patch, that got tilled and is being used to house a rose bush and bulbs and compost, till we know what to do with them.

In the center there is a bushy patch. That was the last owners garden. It was over grown with weeds, trees and thistles. So we dug it up and used the dirt to level out the funny spots in the yard.

It timed out really well as we finished just as it started raining. So maybe in a while there will just be grass all over.

There's no knitting news right now as I've been taking a bit of a break, but oh there will be more soon. You can count on it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You're moved in! Yay!! Heh, it looks like you were digging a spot to bury a body...