Well, this is what I've been up to recently. I've been wishing that the basement
was finished so that I could have my desk back. This is my Ikisti corner. HT got
me a new computer so that I could work on my photography a little faster and
so that I could play WOW again.
The only problem is that he's taken over my desk with his computer. So, when
the basement is finished, he goes down stairs and I get my desk back.
I've also been working on my shawl for my Sister's wedding. It's turning out
pretty well. It took me a while to get the hang of the pattern, but the end result
will be nice.
I have to find pink or tan shoes for the wedding. I was thinking since the boys
are all going to be wearing orange Chucks, that maybe I should get some pink
Chucks to wear.
Well, time to knit a little more and then log in and level my shaman.
Have a great Easter/Spring day.
Take back the desk!!! ;)
Pink Chucks sound excellent for a wedding.
I got some sun today, while there was sun...
Call your momma!
hehe! :)
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