Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yarn as art?

A descent still life. I think I need to start thinking
about photography, yarn, knitting and art all at
the same time... it might produce some interesting

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I wonder if Grimlock would have a career as a yarn model?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 to make up for yesterday

So here are 2 images so to make up
for yesterday. I didn't post because
I was out late partying with the crew.

May I say that I really like Moto-i.
It's really nice, the food is good and

it is not American sized portions. They
are proper sized portions.

So here are to red images for you your

Thursday, January 22, 2009

to remember the warmth

This is a photograph I took a few weeks after we moved in to the house.
I thought given the warm weather today it would be nice to remind everyone
that yes, it will be warm again.

That and I think might like to plant these in the yard in the spring.
They just have a good texture.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2 in a row

2 days off, 2 posts, 2 photographs and 2 kitties.

Today is the day of 2s.

I went for a bit of a walk today. It was down right balmy out. Wandering around with my camera is something I have to do more often. It makes me slow down and really look at the world.

I'm going to upload photos everyday for the rest of the month just to get back in the habit of showing people the way I see things. That said, I won't be shooting everyday and some of them will be from this last fall, but you haven't seen them yet. So i figure it's ok to show them to you now.

I've just started making a couple squares for an afghan. One for my house and one for a fellow IBDer on Ravelry. Click the link if you are a ravelrier and feel like helping out. It's nothing very complicated.

HT's love sweater vest is coming along. I just have about 4" to the armpit. So Valentines day due date looks like a possibility. After that it's finish up a shawl, make earrings Sis's gals and curtains for some windows.... all with afghan squares mixed in for good measure.

Now when am I going to find time to knit up some flowers to put in parking lots....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inauguration....

Now in HD! (Rushmore seemed like the best picture for today.)

So we got HD hooked up in the house today. It's pretty.
We still have a little wiring to do around the house, but that part is almost done. The basement however is still a mess.

I haven't done much knitting today. Just cleaning, picking up and finishing reading
Casting Spells by Barbara Bretton.
Got to say it was a really great read. I read it pretty much in one sitting. Well ok, I had to break it into 2 sittings. It was hard not to sleep at 2:30am. But I finished it up this morning and I've got to give props to Ms. Bretton. Fight scenes are hard to write and hard to read some times, but the one in this book flowed very well. While romances aren't my normal fair, I would recommend this for anyone who needs a little escape.

Right, should i knit, cook a little, finish the laundry or just
scrumble come kitty chins.

Friday, January 16, 2009

getting run down

I'm starting to feel run down. Work is getting to be a bit too much.

I keep looking at my knitting and thinking "I want to do that."
But then it just sits there.

I'm trying to be positive, and keep the happy energy moving around.
So, on a positive energy note....
I can wear cashmere when ever i'm feeling down. Something soft and gentle next to my skin helps me to feel I'm getting a hug.
Hugs are some times the best things.

Monday, January 12, 2009

things to do...

A bit of a list for 2009 in no particular order.

enthral you all with more and better photography. (i've been letting my photo-skills get a bit 'laxed as of late.)

- get a budget in order and stick to it. ( there are many, many pretty things in the world I want. Must prioritize.)

- Finish
HT's sweater vest

- get Art up on my walls

- ride bike every day (even if only for 15min)

- figure out how to blog and have kitty on lap at same time, with both of us being comfortable.

- read more books

- write up a knitting pattern

- start sewing things ( pillows, curtains, pajama's for the cats...)

- figure out what i want for my tattoo and get it. ( some times it's hard to pick )

There are more things I can't think of at the moment, but I think it's a pretty good list.
Nothing on there is super
unreasonable. The are all things that I need to or always wanted to get done.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

a box of fun

I got the yarn for my throw today!

The mail-man that comes to the store knows to make a big deal when he brings me boxes.

I pulled out all the skins and checked the color
against the ottoman.
They work really well with it.
Now to just pick out the squares to use for the patterns and I can get started....

Once I finish
HT's sweater vest, my shawl for the little sister's wedding and then i can get started on the throw.

Ah, so much knitting, so little time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

caution is...

the better part of valor. Or remodeling.

It's hard to see, but this spot was the size of an egg. I wasn't wearing the proper foot gear. It was dumb. I don't think it's broken.

I've finished the noro Scarf. It turned out pretty. I'm not sure if i'm going to keep it, or give it to someone.

I've got the second half of HT's sweater vest 4in done. There is still alot to go on that though.

I've also started on one of the Three Tams from Knitty winter 2007. I worked it too monocromatic the first time and so I froged. The second time around is going much better with more contrast.

I would be knitting right now, but Siren seem to think that since I have my foot proped up, it's the best time to sit and get in the way of knitting.