Saturday, October 27, 2007

almost done

It looks like the Grimmers is ready to head out to my Coffee Swap Pal. :) No worries, you wont be getting a kitty, though he does like to travel.

I have almost everything ready to go for the swap. I'll have it in the mail on Monday I think. I'm going to post a few pictures after i know my Pal has received it. Or would that seem like bragging? *Shug* don't know but i have some fun picture ideas in my head so it'll happen anyway.

This week has been a long one. I've been working a little too much and my boss has noticed. I have mixed feeling about that as i want to do extremely well in everything that i do. Not a perfectionist by any means, but I really like being the "Go to" person.

This Wednesday we had new carpet put in at work. It looks really pretty. I was there till 5:30 in the morning though so I might not be the best judge. I'm pretty sure that from about 7pm when they started laying glue to about 5am I lost a lot of pretty useful brain cells. I wonder if i'll be able to beat Zelda now. :( But it does look nice and my boss made a few calls so I could have today off. Kinda a Thanks for working way to hard now go home an relax day. I'm trying.

Monday i'm going to the Doc. I made notes about all the things that are acting up. Today i can't chew on my right side of my mouth. It hurts like hell when i try. Why? From clenching and gnashing my teeth at night from stress.

The only thing that really seems to help any more with all this stress is the knitting. I finished the first SW2 sock when they were laying carpet. I got the ribbing finished when HT and I went out to SunnySide Up for breakfast. Those moments are the calmest thing I've go right now. Lately i've wished that I could be knitting all the time.

Right. Time to leave all this randomness with a happy thought. We stopped by Trader Joe's today. I picked up some Pumpkin Butter. It's really tasty and I like the label on the package too.
ummm pumpkin

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Why knitting at my desk is bad.

Grimlock seems to think that my Green-Metel-US8s are a nice toy. Or at least the reflection from them is. The problem with Grimers and light-toys is that he doesn't relize that he can't catch them and gets worked up over it. *sigh*

It's been a long week and it is only Tuesday. Works not going well, mostly because I've been feeling pressured from all sides. That and i'm feeling emotional and that doesn't make you look like a strong leader. On the up side I jsut payed off all my medial bills (the things in the corrner of the vid). So on monday I can go talk to the Doc about my thoughts that all the new estrogen in my system being teh culpret for my un Iki like behavor.

Untill then it's listen to
funnythings and Finaly Fantasy musica and go to knit night with my ladies, er or go knitting next week.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

swach watch

Before all the knitting I thought a Swatch was a neat watch that my co-workers liked. Now I know the true meaning. :)

This is the felted up yarn for the Christmas Beer cozies. I hope HT's dad likes them.

Other than knitting I've just been trying to get some work done. I just paid all my medial bills (ouch), and did all the laundry (well almost). So now i'm going to take a break with my new Zelda game and relax. I'll finish up the beer cozies tonight when our friend the bunger comes over with cans saved from the recycling bin.

Well happy knitting and gaming and leaf jumping (it's nice and crisp outside).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

back from a short internet break

So I haven't posted for a bit because I was taking a break from the Internet. I missed Blog Action Day. Global Warming is real. So if you are going to do a Yarn Shop Hop, drive a hybrid car.

That said now it's time to explain the pictures. First the Sister Socks as modeled by my soon (in a year) to be married friend with the same shoe size. I think they turned out pretty cute.

Next the prize I won from 3-Kittens. I really like the green yarn. I have no idea what to do with them though... That and when i went back to pick it up and get some yarn for a few people/projects on of the staffers said "Oh you were here yesterday, but you didn't buy anything." Yah and I shouldn't have that day either. For the most part the staff was nice but I don't think I'll be heading back.

This is the yarn that I did buy that day :P It's for felted beer cozies for HT's dad. They are in the KU colors because he really likes that team. I'm going to felt up the blue and yellow and then needle felt the K and U on them in red. It should be fun.
Oh and I finally found something to get organized with that wouldn't break the budget. It's from knit picks and I found it at that M store. The little needle holder was way to close to the top so i just took it out and moved it down. I think it works.
Things are kinda harry at work. We still don't have enough bodies, but at least the store is getting clean. Also i've been working on my "sock war now for me sock" and it's coming along nicely. I wont get it done as fast as I would if it was for someone else now, but it will look pretty on me.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

my day in pictures (and maybe captions)

Jacqueline and sister Helena

MammaGrouch and Kimara and me (reflection any way)

Our First stop, we were the first to arrive today for the Yarn Hop.

Our second stop. I won a door prize here :) Hoping to pick it up tomorrow.

Our 3rd stop. And Now Blogger doesn't want me to up load more photos so i'll just type for a bit. After this we headed to NeedleWork Unlimited. That the store I normally go to as it's close.
Then they dropped me off so that I could get ready for HT's co-workers wedding. They are a really cute couple and i'm glad they got married. Through out the reception HT and I joked about things we would and wouldn't have at our wedding. Things like kegs, jeans, cow-patties, family members, all things in good fun with humor.

I'll post a picture of the wedding favors tomorrow. Though to explain a little bit about the couple and well us, we sat at Ironforge and the Husband almost missed his second dance because we were talking about Xbox360/Halo/Gears of War. :) Got to love a geek wedding.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Yahoo.groups are no replacement for Forums. In fact, i've now set all but the to the "shhhhh, unless i want to look at you setting". Why? Because it's damn hard to find any relevant info in an inbox of "RE: Question", "Blarg" and my fav. "RE: I'm just writing so that I sound important." This has been a long and stressful week and I'm getting really sick of it.

Work is freeking me out. Getting things ready for the MCAD artsale is freeking me out. The un-clean/tidy state of my home is freeking me out..... *Deep breath*

Ok enough of that. The picture is of one of the finished arm-bands i'm going to put in the art sale. I've only ever sold a few things photography wise (earlier post as reference). So i thought i would see what some knitting would do.
I just finished a Cell phone/Ipod holder for the wedding couple. It has the WOW horde insig on it. And it's in those same colors only inverse. Hope it looks ok. It was supposed to be an arm-band as well (well 2 really but i haven't started the second). Though it looks more like an electronic-thing holder it will be.

Like Bob Ross always said "Happy clouds." and "Don't worry about making a little mistake, it's just a happy little mistake."

errr, or something like that.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

swach... ish

I have the hardest time knitting swatches. Though it's nice to see what the yarn is going to look like. I hope my target likes it. This is the Cherry Hill yarn for the Sock Wars. I'm excited and kinda nervous about this. What if my assassin doesn't get my sock done. What if it turns out to be a horrible sock. What if my sock turns out to be a horrible sock... so many what ifs.
Today at work went ok. The owner called to see how it was going and make sure I was ok. :) He's pretty nice once you get to know him. I'm going to photograph my sisters socks on my friend Rachs' feet. She's got about the same size feet and I want to do a shot with these in some brown shoes on a bike petal.... or something like that. In action if you will. Oh and this weekend is the yarn shop hop. It looks like i can go on Saturday before the wedding. *grin* So i should be having a fun weekend.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

it's finaly cold :)

And that brings a lot of things to mind.

Thing a) Coffee runs at work
Thing b) must get boiler license for work
Thing c) I hope the pipes don't freeze and flood the store this year.
Thing d) time to knit faster.

But boy am I glad it is finally colder. I just can't take 80 degree weather in Oct. It's just silly. And it's just more proof in my mind of global warming. That said, new job now lets us use less gas from driving around the dang state every day. The Sock is taking shape and is almost finished. This shot was taken at Moxie right before the hair cut. One of the ladies there knits and I know now that it's cold she's picked up the needles again.

Also with Thing A. there is also the coffee swap. The questions were posted so I'll now take a moment to answer.

1. Whole bean or ground? I like the whole bean because then I can grind it at my whim.
2. Fully-loaded or decaf? Fully-loaded please.
3. Regular or flavored? I like either. They both tend to be tasty. Though some can be just perfumy and not tasty at all.
4. How do you drink your coffee? Black with raw sugar
5. Favorite coffee ever? Can't really say that I have a favorite. I've been mostly trying all kinds lately. I always go for Fair-Trade over any others though.
6. Are you fussy about your coffee or will any old bean do? No not fussy, but I do prefer the above mentioned.
7. Favorite treats to have with your coffee? Any kind of baked sweet. Lately pumpkin anything. This is one of the things I love about October, pumpkins everywhere
8. Anything else about your coffee preferences? I'm medium roasts are the most plaitable for my taste buds.
9. Yarn/fiber you love? I have a Lana Grossa fixation. A lot of my yarn is that. I'm a pretty big fan of yarns that have microfibers blended into them too. One yarn I've never tryed is the bamboo or hemp stuff. Though i would like to.
10. Yarn/fiber you hate? Anything scratchy, or ruff. Soft and smooth.
11. What's on your needles? Jaywalkers for the Sis, and Sweater for the HT.
12. Favorite colors? Greens! dark and rich.
13. Allergies? I don't think so... though i do have some pretty lama yarn that after a few hours of working with my hands feel slightly ichy... i hope I'm not allergic to it. I want to make a hat out of it.
14. Anything you really love, really don't like, or just need to get off your chest? I'm a bit of a gamer. Love anything Final Fantasy, Link, or Katamari. Love my kitties. Love my photography (and other peoples too ;) ). Don't like people who come into my local camera store to touch/buy on internets. Though with yarn i do think that etsy online shops are just fine because that's like someones little store.

So I think this is quite a long post and I'll be quiet now.

oooo more Dr Who soon :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Day off

It's always fun to have some new toys. And on your day off from work it's easy to look for a new yarn store. Well new for me any way. Borealis Yarns is a pretty little store. The staff was friendly and they let me walk around while they worked on store-knits all by my lonesome. After they asked what I was looking for and showed me where it was.

So I'm armed and ready to go for the Sock War. I need to work it into a ball and knit up a swatch. That will be done after I finish the walkers.

It's been a pretty lazy day today. Took out the trash, looked up routs for the yarn hop. Wondered how many shops I could get to before heading home to get ready for the wedding. I think I'll be able to hit 2 or 3 on Saturday, comfortably and then on Sunday hit the rest.

Now to geek out for a moment. Yarn Shops need better Signage and Websites! Now the reason I'm bothering to say this is that I have had a bitch of a time finding places that have tiny signs. Now i'm not saying that they need to be Neon and Gotty. They need to be large and knowticable. As for the websites... *sigh* There is too much scrolling on a lot of them, and bad bad bad design. Yes the sites need to be informative, but you have to want to look at them too. Good design will get the information out to the user.
So all this said, if anyone needs a better website or signage let me know. I've got people. /end rant

So everyone enjoy your days off.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I feel the need to organize

I really think the Namaste Binder is the thing I want to organize my needles in (why do i always think of those little needle bins at the Dr's Office when I say that?). Namaste inc.
It looks like they are big enough and they look kinda classy too.

The organizers at the organized knitter are kinda cute too, but the self-owned creator doesn't seem to be around. :(
Things have been moving along on my projects. Jaywalkers are on second sock. Manly Sweater gets worked on here and there. The socks I have on the sticks for HT may or may not get finished. Why? Because the sock wars are starting soon and I just got a promotion @ work. Hummm now i have to organize there too.